The main component of the pepper is to the water, followed by carbohydrates, which makes it a vegetable with a low caloric intake. It is a good source of fiber, and as the rest of vegetables, its protein content is low and just brings you fats.

In terms of its content in vitamins, peppers are rich in vitamin C, especially the red. In fact, they come to contain more than double than is found in fruits such as oranges or strawberries.

They are good source of carotenes, among which is the capsanthin, with antioxidant pigment that gives the characteristic red color to some peppers.

Also noteworthy is its content of provitamin A (Beta Carotene and cryptoxanthin) which the body transforms into vitamin A as needs it, folic acid and vitamin E. Other vitamins of the Group B as the B6, B3, B2 and B1 are present in smaller amounts. Its content in the above vitamins C and E, along with carotenes, converted to pepper an important source of antioxidants, substances that take care of our health.

Vitamin C, as well as being a powerful antioxidant, is involved in the formation of collagen, red blood cells, bones and teeth, at the time that favours the absorption of food iron and increases the resistance against infections.

Vitamin A is essential for vision, good condition of skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and the proper functioning of the immune system.

Folates are involved in the production of red and white cells, the synthesis of genetic material and the formation of antibodies of the immune system.

Among the minerals, noteworthy is the presence of potassium. To a lesser extent magnesium, phosphorus and calcium are present. The calcium of the peppers is not assimilated just in relation to dairy or other foods that are considered very good source of this mineral.

Potassium is necessary for the transmission of the nervous impulse, muscle activity and regulates the balance of water in and out of the cell.

Magnesium is related to the operation of the bowel, nerves and muscles, part of bones and teeth, improves immunity and has a mild laxative effect.

Phosphorus plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as magnesium and calcium.

Pepper has important energy intake, lots of water and fiber and almost no fats, so you can take in slimming diets.

Properties and benefits

- Favours the formation of collagen, bones and teeth
- Promotes the growth of: hair, nails, mucous membranes.
- Immune system. It strengthens the defenses down. It helps the creation of red and white cells.
- Transmission and generation of the nervous and muscular momentum.
- By its vitamin E as one of the major antioxidants allies against cancer.