Characteristics of broccoli

Broccoli belongs to the same family as the col, and bears a resemblance to the cauliflower, which also belongs to the same family. There are several varieties of broccoli, the best known is calibrated it. Large head green and wide stalk. Because of its wealth of components, broccoli offers a range of flavors and textures.

How to select and store broccoli

Choose broccoli in compact clusters, no signs of abuse. The color should be uniform and not yellow, though the color varies according to the variety of broccoli. Neither should have yellowish flowers as this is signal envelope maturation. Stalks should be firm, muddy spot-free. If you have leaves, they must be vibrant and not wilted. Broccoli is very perishable and should be stored unwashed, in a plastic bag open, in the lower part of the refrigerator, this hard way up to one week.

Broccoli and free radicals

Already more than twenty years is known to many phytonutrients work as antioxidants and disarm free radicals until they can do damage to our cells, but which recently has discovered is that phytonutrients that contain the cruciferous, such as broccoli or cabbage, act to levels even more profound, since they make that our genes increase the production of enzymes that detoxify the body , and to eliminate it all compounds that threaten it.

Broccoli and the women's health

Like other cruciferous broccoli contains phytonutrients called: nature and sulforaphane, which boast large anticancer effects. Research on indole-3-carbinol show that this compound helps to defuse a potent metabolite of estrogen (4-hydroxyestrone) promotes the growth of tumors, especially in cells of sinuses, which are especially sensitive to estrogen. And, on the other hand increase the level 2-hydroxyestrone, a form of estrogen that protects against cancer. Indole-3-carbinol has been shown to suppress not only the growth of breast tumors but also the metastasis of cancer cells (the movement of cancer cells to other parts of the body).

Properties of broccoli:

- Your contribution of Zinc favours a better function of the prostate and sperm quality.
- People with a tendency to muscle degeneration should take it very present in your diet since the broccoli is rich in lutein.
- Ideal for people who need great contribution of folic acid and iron (pregnant, nursing, persons anaemic, etc.)
- Broccoli is a vegetable to take into account in menopause since like soybeans (soy) acts as a phytoestrogen, while it provides calcium.
- Very convenient for people requiring vitamin K (prevents hemorrhages)
- Suitable in cases of constipation by its good supply of fiber

- Broccoli favors the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, containing antioxidants such as beta carotene, selenium, Sod (superoxide dismutase), vitamin C and Zinc. It thus has a good antioxidant or anti-aging effect on the skin.
- Your contribution of substances such as indole, Sulfarano and Fenetilisotiocianato, the fact that seem to protect us from the benzopyrene (carcinogenic substance in cigarettes, smoke from cars, etc.) and its richness in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, selenium, the Sod or superoxide dismutase and Zinc make a key food in the fight against cancer and the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori. It could also encourage the action of enzymes responsible for eliminating carcinogenic substances.
- Broccoli is perfect in slimming diets since it nourishes and non-fattening it is very poor in calories.

Nutrition facts of broccoli (per 100 g.)

- It is one of the vegetables with more nutrients and fewer calories. It is very important to consume it well cool as that which begins to yellow indicates that it has lost the majority of vitamins and minerals. Ideally, steaming it so that you don't lose your nutrients.
- It has only 39 calories and 4.5 g protein per 100 g of fresh product.
- Broccoli or broccoli is rich in folic acid, sulfur, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, Zinc.